6/23 updates:

switched to atabook for my guestbook since 123guestbook is shutting down!

thinking of archiving the old guestbook better somewhere else, but in the meantime, here's the link to the old one!

thanks for all the comments on the old guestbook! now time to fill up a new one >:]


6/19 updates:

added to muse ariadne


5/14 updates:

new blog entry!

added to graphics collection


5/1 updates:

added a collecting guide to the site!


4/29 updates:

added to the graphics page


4/28 updates:

new blog entry


4/26 updates:

added to muse ariadne


4/23 updates:

updated the about page


4/19 updates:

the arcade is now open!

i'll be adding a ton to it over time, especially the dressup game, so check it out!


4/14 updates:

added an about page!

it also includes a new Q+A style feature for the site, so check it out and submit a question if you have one!


4/11 updates:

overhauled the blog page!

added a general writing index to help consolidate the sidebar links


4/10 updates:

accidentally deleted the entire fucking graphics page help

reinstated the graphics page. as best i could

also there's some new stuff on there now. so go check it out


3/31 updates:

added muse ariadne page for writing prompt work!


3/29 updates:

added webring page! check it out! join if you want!


3/27 updates:

new blog post!

updated graphics page


3/23 updates:

made the rest of the sidebar a (super inconspicuous) iframe too! let me know if any links are broken

updated view counter, hopefully more accurate

added "new" and "updated" blinkies to the links in the sidebar! will be seen on various links accordingly

added sparkle trail to cursor. one day ill figure out how to get the custom select cursor working

added webrings section to the home page


3/22 updates:

added the blog section! check it out in the sidebar below :]

added a view counter! do not trust this fucker to be accurate

i set it to display "unique visitors" and yet it updates when i refresh the page. but only sometimes. i dont know either

i'll figure out something more accurate in the future probably but i dont fucking know how to get javascript to work so. yeah


3/21 updates:

fixed the hell outta the graphics page, added links to some graphics, and added a few new ones

neocities button on homepage now links to my NC profile rather than the NC homepage

news sidebar will now show previous updates as well, instead of just the most recent


3/20 updates:

I've added a music player!!

It's my (almost) full RAE music playlist, so it's several hours long. It's not currently set to auto-play, so don't forget to click it at the top of the page!

It'll also keep playing the current song if you navigate to other pages, so feel free to browse while you listen!