my animatronics collection!
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helen henny cyberamicmy first ever bot! bought off ebay from jojo king. she's from the Wayne, NJ location, which hosted a road stage. her mech is actually chuck's mech, but with helen's eyes and cosmetics. her mask is a reproduction by tyler/rockafire_m00n, all other cosmetics are original and also from the Wayne location.

current progress (3/15/24): her dress has a large rip that goes through both sides that needs sewing, smaller holes have already been patched. in the meantime, she's been wearing the snuggie. her left arm (our right) is loose and falls toward her- may be missing a piece that holds the arm in place? will add picture later. still researching ways to make new shells for her, maybe foam? i'm not sure how well that'll hold up over time.
avenger chuck e cheese walkaround
my walkaround! the head was produced in 2008 and i believe was used in a location in california, but i'm not sure where specifically. the other parts are disparate as far as i know, especially the hands which are rockstar era lol (i like them better that way though tbh). i'd like to replace the helmet eventually since it's kinda falling apart lol but it's not a super high priority. looking for the next opportunity to wear him out! here's me with him at nycc 2023:

diy mitzi/"mini mitzi"
my mitzi bot! created by mateo/diy.mitzi. he sells the files to 3d print your own mitzi, but i own the original bot he made/used!

current progress (3/15/24): currently a somewhat shelved project. some pieces of the bot sadly broke in shipping, mostly cosmetic but it's possible some electronic as well. i spent a lot of time double, triple, quadruple checking everything was connected properly, but bottango consistently gives me errors when trying to run her and it's left people even more knowledgable than me stumped. i might go back to her soon, i'd really love to see her running at some point.
(btw, she does have legs and other cosmetics, they just were removed for shipping and i'd like to get her running before i put them back on!)
nrae looney bird mask
i found this on ebay recently and bought it thinking it was a classic looney mask. to my happy surprise, it turned out to be a new rockafire explosion mask! it's slightly melted and has some bad cracking around the eyes and a hole in the corner of his mouth. i plan to fix these issues as best i can and fur/feather him! he'll eventually be a display thing, since i think he's missing where the mask would typically snap onto the bot. he currently looks like this: